June 19, 2008 6:30 p.m.

What if it rains?  Unless it's coming down in buckets, the show must go on. So please dress for the weather and bring umbrellas.

When you see two people arguing or you see someone acting strange, don’t you wish you could just stand and gawk?  That’s what Free to Stare is all about.   A 10-minute play festival in Central Park that allows people to stop and stare all they want. The longer you stare the better it will be.

The Festival is at Summit Rock. A beautiful spot in Central Park that comes equipped with its own stone stage.

Click on Picture for information about Summit Rock


It can be approached from either the north or south sides. On the south side enter at 81st street and just pass the Diana Ross playground go left on the path that leads past the playground and up the gently sloping trail to a stone stairway, cut into the side of the hill. At the top there is a small meadow and on the eastern side a flag stone terrace.